Justice 40 Projects
- The Carbon Reduction Program implements projects designed to reduce transportation emissions. In consultation with the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), the State developed a Carbon Reduction Strategy that identifies specific transportation related projects and strategies that CDOT and…
- This project will improve I-70 from Floyd Hill to Veterans Memorial Tunnel. The project will increase travel-time reliability, increase capacity on the highway, improve safety, reduce impacts to local communities and reduce collisions with wildlife with a wildlife underpass. The project will…
- The project will reconstruct I76 near Brush, including the reconstruction of approximately 1.45 miles of interstate corridor in both directions, the replacement of four bridges over I-76, the reconfiguration of the interchange with US 6, and the installation of a Park-n-Ride mobility hub. I-76 is…
- PROTECT provides funding to ensure surface transportation resilience to climate change, flooding, extreme weather events, and other natural disasters by supporting planning activities, infrastructure improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes. Sixty-two percent (62%) of the 5-year…
- This project will provide capacity building and technical assistance to Baca, Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Otero, Prowers Counties to identify and apply for federal funds for transportation projects in the region. The project will be implemented in partnership between the Governor’s Office of Economic…
- This project will construct three new mobility hubs in Grand Junction, Rifle, and Glenwood Springs. The Grand Junction component includes bicycle, pedestrian, and parking improvements in addition to I-70 Business Loop complete streets improvements. The Glenwood Springs component redevelops the…
- The project will widen approximately 4.1 miles of US 160 east of Durango from two to four lanes, adding an approximately 2.64 mile continuous two-way left turn lane. The project will also add left turn lanes, shoulder widening, and wildlife underpass and exclusion fencing. The project is expected…